Customer Service Doesn’t Cost, It Pays!

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According to studies, it is 15 times easier to sell to existing clients, than it is to sell to cold prospects. Yet repeatedly, companies will spend far more time and money on attracting new customers than investing in focusing on their present client base.

Lost Focus
I have seen this time and time again with the companies who have called me in to help them improve their bottom line. They somehow got off track when it came to doing the things that could have helped them build their relationships with their clients. Their client service system did not do an outstanding job of satisfying the people that were the main source of their revenue stream. They got distracted with doing the administrative things that were necessary, but not as urgent, as taking care of their real live clients.

When it comes to solving this dilemma, the term, “Continuous And Never-ending Improvement” or more commonly referred to as CANI, can remind you of what you can do on a regular basis, to keep your company or organization focused on doing the things that will keep your clients satisfied.

Use the CANI system to constantly look for ways to exceed your competitor’s standards. Use it for all segments of your business approach to improve your sales and service methods. If you improve your approach as little as 1% per week, it will lead to unbelievable breakthroughs for your business.

Brian Tracy
According to Brian Tracy, business speaker and author, most business owners can’t understand why their clients do not come back to them on a regular basis. They think they have a fantastic product or service and their clients and customers should be beating a path to their door. The truth is, their product or service is mediocre. Their clients will switch to a competitor, because there is no distinct advantage to staying with the original business.

My point is, if you want to build your business in 2011, start using the CANI approach to make your sales and service methods exceed your clients expectations.

If you are interested in a better career in customer service visit

Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more successful and profitable by helping them attract and retain their customers and clients. Read more of Tom's blogs on

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